18.8 Java slightly better solution


We can maintain each vertex’s maxDistance inside DFS itself. The process of DFS on the DAG has already implicitly maintained topological order. We don’t need to explicitly build a Deque.

public static int maxLevel = 0;

public static class GraphVertex {

    public List<GraphVertex> edges = new ArrayList<>();
    // Set maxDistance = 0 to indicate unvisited vertex.
    public int maxDistance = 0;

public static int findLargestNumberTeams(List<GraphVertex> G) {
    for (GraphVertex g : G) {
        if (g.maxDistance == 0) {
    return maxLevel;

private static int DFS(GraphVertex curr) {
    curr.maxDistance = 1;
    for (GraphVertex vertex : curr.edges) {
        curr.maxDistance = Math.max(curr.maxDistance, (vertex.maxDistance == 0 ? DFS(vertex) : vertex.maxDistance) + 1);

    maxLevel = Math.max(maxLevel, curr.maxDistance);
    return curr.maxDistance;


Hi @ray,

It definitely looks pretty good, and I wonder can you hide the use of maxLevel or not?

Thanks again for this update.