Knapsack problem - variant - O(C) solution


Another variant that’s driving me crazy (I’d love to see the answers to the variants in a future edition!) is the O© solution for the Knapsack problem. I’ve tried using hashtables where I hash the weight remaining, and I’ve tried where I hash the current weight of the knapsack, but neither work.



Here is my DP based solution to this problem. It uses an array to map from the index of the capacity to its corresponding target capacity, and a dictionary to map the inverse relation.

To know which capacities are to be included in C, an auxiliary set is built and afterwards transformed into a sorted list to build the aforementioned mapping array,

def optimum_subject_to_capacity(items, capacity):
    cap_mapping_set = {0}
    for item in items:
        for mapped_weight in list(cap_mapping_set):
            if (item.weight + mapped_weight <= capacity):
                cap_mapping_set.add(item.weight + mapped_weight)
    cap_mapping = sorted(list(cap_mapping_set))
    cap_mapping_dict = dict((weight, idx) for idx, weight in enumerate(cap_mapping))
    current = [0] * len(cap_mapping)
    prev = None

    for j in range(1, len(items) + 1):
        prev = current.copy()
        for i in range(1, len(cap_mapping)):
            item = items[j - 1]
            prev_value = prev[i]
            cap = cap_mapping[i]
            with_item_value = prev[cap_mapping_dict[cap - item.weight]] + item.value if ((cap - item.weight) in cap_mapping_dict) else current[i-1]
            current[i] = max(prev_value, with_item_value)

    return current[-1]