Next step after finishing all the study scenarios


I’m just about to finish the recommended study scenarios (Scenario 4), and I noticed that the study plan doesn’t really cover ALL the problems, and that the honor class problems all seem quite fascinating. If I have only 2 weeks left working through the book, what would be the recommended next step? To recap, the options are:

  1. Finish the problems not listed in the study scenarios
  2. Finish the honor class problems

The goal is to have a rock-solid understanding of these algorithms and data structures. Could anyone please advise? Thank you all!



Hi @benjamin21st,

Depends on your comfortableness of those basic problems, and if you are pretty comfortable, I would suggest you try those honor class problems. Otherwise, I think it is important to remember those fundamentals are the basis of interviewing.



Thank you Tsung-Hsien, I agree with you that the basic problems are more fundamental. And I also think they are more structured in terms of the content (it’s clear which core algorithm/data structure is being tested in a certain problem).

I have relatively weak fundamentals, so I think I’ll strengthen the basic problems. Thanks again!