Pretty Print Problem



I completely understood the problem of pretty print and I am able to understand how minimum messiness is calculated. I found the solution pretty elegant. My question is: Can we use the very same program to calculate where exactly we will put line breaks? I am having a hard time to convert these messiness values to line break indices.



Yeah it’s tricky. One way of recovering the line breaks is to have another array of words.size() called “lineBreaks”. lineBreaks[i] = for a line ending with the ith word, what is the index of the optimal line break (the index of the word in words that starts a new line that ends with the ith word).

For a lot of these path recovery things (like shortest path or other DP), you need to leave “breadcrumbs” / clues when you find the optimal solution for a subproblem. So that means you should be setting lineBreaks whenever you set the memo[] with a new optimal value.

Then when everything has run, you start by looking at lineBreaks of words.size() - 1. For the book example, this will be 6. Now look 1 less than 6 (the next line will end with the word at index 5), lineBreaks[5] = 2 or 3 (2 or 3 since they give the same messiness whether c is on first line or on second line, depends on your algo implementation). Say its 3. Then we need to look at lineBreaks[2] = 0. 0 is obviously the first line break to start everything, so the path is 0, 3, 6.



I believe this code works, I added it into their solution:

public static int minimumMessiness(List<String> words, int lineLength) {

    // minimumMessiness[i] is the minimum messiness when placing
    // words.subList(0, i + 1).
    int[] lineBreaks = new int[words.size()];   //new
    int[] minimumMessiness = new int[words.size()];
    Arrays.fill(minimumMessiness, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    int numRemainingBlanks = lineLength - words.get(0).length();
    minimumMessiness[0] = numRemainingBlanks * numRemainingBlanks;
    lineBreaks[0] = 0;   //new
    for (int i = 1; i < words.size(); ++i) {
      numRemainingBlanks = lineLength - words.get(i).length();
      minimumMessiness[i] =
          minimumMessiness[i - 1] + numRemainingBlanks * numRemainingBlanks;
      lineBreaks[i] = i;  //new
      // Try adding words.get(i - 1), words.get(i - 2), ...
      for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
        numRemainingBlanks -= (words.get(j).length() + 1);
        if (numRemainingBlanks < 0) {
          // Not enough space to add more words.
        int firstJMessiness = j - 1 < 0 ? 0 : minimumMessiness[j - 1];
        int currentLineMessiness = numRemainingBlanks * numRemainingBlanks;
        if (firstJMessiness + currentLineMessiness < minimumMessiness[i]) {  //new
          lineBreaks[i] = j;  //new
          minimumMessiness[i] = firstJMessiness + currentLineMessiness;  //new
    // print the lineBreak array and see
    for(int i : lineBreaks) {
      System.out.print(i + " ");

    return minimumMessiness[words.size() - 1];