Recursion solutions; reason for side-effect style?


Many of the recursion solutions use a helper function to write to a result set.

Is there a particular reason for this style, like time complexity, or to more easily analyze runtime with a recurrence relation?

I find it easier to wrap my head around a more traditional functional style for these problems.

For example, here are two solutions to “15.5 Generate the Power Set”, the first in the EPI style and the second in I think a more familiar recursive style. EPI style is O(n*2^n), I believe the alternate solution is also O(n^2 * 2^n), which may be the reason for the EPI approach.

from typing import List

def powerset(input_set: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:

    def compute_pset_marginal(idx: int, candidate_set: List[int]) -> None:
        if idx == len(input_set):

        # compute candidate excluding current idx
        compute_pset_marginal(idx + 1, candidate_set)

        # compute candidate including current idx
        compute_pset_marginal(idx + 1, candidate_set + [input_set[idx]])

    powerset = []
    compute_pset_marginal(0, [])

    return powerset

def powerset_alt(input_set: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:

    if len(input_set) == 0:
        return [[]]

    suffix_pset = powerset_alt(input_set[1:])
    return suffix_pset + [([input_set[0]] + l) for l in suffix_pset]

if __name__ == '__main__':


I am just guessing, I have the C++ version, but I think the Java book was the original and Java can’t nest functions like that so maybe they just adapted the solutions from there. Your version is how I would’ve written it in JS though.



It is called ‘tail recursion’ or ‘tail call optimization’, it helps to reduce number of stack frames.