We are expecting a 2nd printed edition of this book


Hey Lyrrad,

Thanks for your question. Second version will not release anytime soon as there are many preparations are needed for that. We will definitely let you guys know when it is released.

Right now, if you buy our book on Google Play , you shall receive all subsequent updates if we decide to use the same ISBN for the second version. I am also a person who prefer physical copy over electrical copy as it is easier and much joyful to read when you hold a physical copy :smile:



Hi tsunghsien,

Iā€™m very curious about which version of Java will be used?

The latest released Java 8 includes many interesting features like Lambda Expressions, java.util.stream package which fully supports functional style programming.



We will use Java 8 as long as there is necessary because what we want is provide best practice in codes to help people understand those algorithms and data structures.




I just put in an order with amazon.ca for this book and shows that itā€™ll take 2-5 weeks to ship :disappointed:

Does this mean Iā€™ll get 2.0? Will it have c++ code and examples printed in the book (Iā€™m a diehard c++ user). Also is it possible to get access to an ebook version, given that Iā€™ve purchased the hard copy? It sucks to have to wait to read itā€¦

If v2.0 is a ways off then I might as well cancel my order with Amazon and wait till 2.0 is released. As a student on a limited budget it would be a bit of a downer to buy something that will be out dated in a few months. Is there any chance of getting the ebook at a discount if we have the physical copy?

Thanks so much for what I am sure is going to be a great book, I really liked AFI. Iā€™m a CS student at UWaterloo and love working on these challenges.




Hey Saad,

First of all I would like to thank your support on EPI and AFI, which EPI originated from. I donā€™t know you can order it from Amazon US instead or not as it ships pretty fast as far as I know.

Regarding your question of 2.0, sadly that we havenā€™t pushed 2.0 yet, which will be fully Java in fact, and the version you got is very likely 1.5, which we move those ninja problems to the end of this book to make it for people who want to challenge and people who are well-prepared already, and I believe you will like it for sure once you receive the book.

We currently donā€™t have ebook discount as Google Play does not support this. If there is anything like that, I personally would like to discount or even make it free for people who have physical books already.

Please feel free to write email to me (tsung.hsien.lee@gmail.com) if you found any interesting problems, and I am glad to discuss those with you.



Hi Tsung-Hsien,

Thanks for your reply, and sorry for my tardy response. I am happy to report that I got my copy of EPI (1.4.15) this week :slight_smile: . Btw, whatā€™s the difference between 1.4.15 and 1.5?

I didnā€™t order from Amazon US because they charge a lot for shipping and import to Canada, it was making a $20 book cost $37 - thatā€™s including the forex charges the card companies impose. The wait was worth it though, very nice book. I really hope you guys get an eBook version sorted out sometime soon that is outside of the Google Play store, Iā€™d really like to have an up to date version of the book in some form.

Iā€™ll email you some of the interview questions Iā€™ve encountered during my internship interviews. They are mostly problems that companies have themselves faced, they then abstract them and make them appear like game theory questions.




Hey Saad,

The difference between 1.4.15 and 1.5 is mainly the ordering of problems. In 1.5, we aggregate those ninja problems into the end of EPI to serve as a practice purpose after you finishing the first part of fundamental questions.

About ebook thing, we are working on some open-sourced program which shall be able to transform the latex file into a much more friendly format to Kindle and iBook. Stay tuned for that, and we will let you guys know when that is ready.

Please feel free to email questions you got, and I am always interested in all the interview questions.



Hello Tsung-Hsien,

I wonder if you plan on pushing version 1.5 to Google book?
Thanks and enjoy coding gentlemen.



Hey Dan,

We do plan to push this version 1.5 to Google Play anytime soon. As long as you have bought on Google Play before, you should get auto-update directly.



Thank you very much.
Keep up the good work.



Hey every our royal reader,

We are starting our review process for the EPI 2.0 in Java. Please refer to http://elementsofprogramminginterviews.com/2015/08/20/java-review/ for more information of this, and we are looking forward your involvements on this!



If I order the ebook from google play now, will I get free update to 2.0?



Hey Jerry,

I think the answer is ā€œYesā€ as we are trying to update the book you saw on Google Play, and it should give you the update automatically.



Hi tsunghsien,

So you will use the same ISBN for the second version as you mentioned before, right?




It is not decided yet. At the time we publish the second version, we will definitely let you guys know where to buy.



Hi tsunghsien,

Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify. version 2.0 is not the 2nd edition, right? I have an older version of the print book and want to figure out if I should buy the ebook version to get update.




Hey Jerry,

The 2.0 and 2nd edition are identical in this context but we havenā€™t decided to use the same ISBN or not yet because the requirements from publisher is unclear. Sorry about this.



Hi tsunghsien,

 Is there a timeline when the (java) version of the  book is scheduled to be published ?




We still donā€™t have a clear timeline as we are still preparing for the new version. Will definitely let you guys know when it is ready.




Could you let us know the approximate timeline when the java version will be published?
I am a java guy looking for a job this fall term. So if the new book will be published months later, I will buy the C++ version instead.